“To promote the emotional, cognitive and social development of clients with significant mental health needs, through the provision of a therapeutic milieu.”

In partnership with the Renfrew County Catholic and Public School Boards, The Phoenix Centre provides Day Treatment programs for children/youth who have social, emotional and behavioural needs that cannot be met in regular school placement. Each of the three classrooms is staffed with a teacher, educational assistant, and a child and youth counsellor.  Case management and family therapy are provided by a Phoenix Centre Family and Child Therapist.

This program offers specialized academic support, skills development groups, individual child counselling, family therapy and intensive in-home services (if recommended). The primary goal of the program is to improve the client’s functioning in the school and a variety of environments. Families also have access to psychiatric consultation and psychological services where appropriate. The program is voluntary and referrals are initiated by the child’s community school. Referrals are screened by the Coordinated Access Committee of Renfrew County.

Day Treatment has identified four values that form the basis of our program and our approaches with clients. All of the interventions and activities have these instilled.

The four core values are:

  • Safety
  • Learning
  • Belonging
  • Empowerment


Valleycrest Day Treatment provides an intensive therapeutic intervention program for children in grades 2-5.



New Horizons

New Horizons Day Treatment presents educational opportunities to at risk youth in grades 6-8.