The Phoenix Centre for Children and Families is a mental health treatment centre for children and youth 18 and under. We are managed by a volunteer Board of Directors and funded by the Government of Ontario, but we are fostered by our community. Read More
The main office of The Phoenix Centre is located in downtown Pembroke, with satellite offices throughout Renfrew County.
The main and satellite offices of The Phoenix Centre are open during regular and summer hours.
The Phoenix Centre offers a professional support services at our main location and satellite offices. Read More
No. The Phoenix Centre is funded by the provincial government so that core treatment services can be provided free of charge. The costs of The Phoenix Centre services and program supplies are offset by funds raised through our signature events and charitable donations. A fee may be attached to special services.
Yes. The Phoenix Centre is a voluntary service. The consent of caretakers/parents of children under 12 years of age is required.
Yes. The services provided by the Phoenix Centre are confidential. All Phoenix Centre staff adhere to the privacy policy. In the event of a disclosure of abuse, we are obligated to report to the local Family and Children Services.
A crisis is defined as a person’s evaluation of an experience as dangerous, threatening or traumatic, with an uncertainty of how to handle it. In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1. During off-hours, contact the Child, Youth and Family Crisis Line for Eastern Ontario by phone at 1-877-377-7775 or online.
Early prevention is always preferred. The Phoenix Centre encourages parents to seek preventative assistance whenever they, or other caregivers, have concerns about the well-being of a child’s mental health.
Are you looking for help? For more information about intake please contact the main centre at (613) 735-2374 or long distance toll free 1-800-465-1870. If you cannot wait to talk to an Intake Worker at The Phoenix Centre, contact the Child, Youth, and Family Crisis Line for Eastern Ontario at 1-877-377-7775 or the Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868.
In the event of a joint custody arrangement, or if custody has yet to be determined, a Joint Custody Consent Form must be signed by both caregivers for the child to receive service. The child cannot receive service until the Joint Custody Consent form is signed.